martes, 19 de junio de 2012


XDAIS or eXpressDsp Algorithm Interoperability Standard (eXpressDsp algoritmo satándar de interoperabilidad). es un estándar para el desarrollo de algoritmos de Texas Instruments para la familia DSP  TMS320. La norma fue introducida por primera vez en 1999 y fue creado para facilitar la integración de algoritmos DSP en los sistemas sin costo de re-ingeniería. La dirección XDAIS estándar de los temas de algoritmo de asignación de recursos y el consumo en un DSP. Los algoritmos que cumplen con la norma se prueban y se otorgó un "eXpressDSP compatible con" la marca después de haber superado la prueba

 La norma se compone de un conjunto de normas y directrices generales que deben aplicarse a todos los algoritmos. Por ejemplo, todos los algoritmos que cumplan la XDAIS debe implementar una interfaz del algoritmo, llamado IALG. Para los algoritmos que utilizan DMA , la interfaz de IDMA se debe implementar. Además, las reglas específicas para cada familia de TI DSP.

 Los problemas son causados ​​a menudo en el algoritmo de codificación durante el acceso a los recursos del sistema que son utilizados por otros algoritmos. DAIS prohíbe el uso de este tipo de codificación. En su lugar, DAIS requiere una API estándar para la aplicación para llamar a una clase de algoritmo en particular. Esta API se define en el estándar XDM , también referido como el VISA API´s (vídeo, imagen, voz y audio).

Un kit de desarrollo XDAIS proporciona su propia norma, código de ejemplo, y una demostración.

Beneficios de más XDAIS no estandarizados se incluyen enfoques.:

  • Reducción significativa en el tiempo de integración ya que los algoritmos no la basura cada uno los recursos de otros
  • Facilitar la comparación de los algoritmos de múltiples fuentes diferentes en la misma aplicación
  • El acceso a la amplia gama de algoritmos compatibles disponibles a partir de múltiples TI DSP Third Parties elimina la necesidad de desarrollar algoritmos complejos a medida
  • Algoritmos de trabajar fuera de la caja con los productos de eXpressDSP marco multimedia, como motor de Codec (TI)

Característica de los ordenadores que les permite su interconexión y funcionamiento conjunto de manera compatible. Esto no siempre es posible, debido a los diferentes sistemas operativos y arquitecturas de cada sistema, pero los esfuerzos de estandarización están permitiendo que cada vez sean más los ordenadores capaces de interoperar entre sí.


viernes, 15 de junio de 2012



Un Thread (que de una forma un poco 'basta' se puede traducir como hilo) es la unidad básica de ejecución de OS/2. Cualquier programa que se ejecute consta de, al menos, un thread.
Un thread se puede considerar como la agrupación de un trozo de programa junto con el conjunto de registros del procesador que utiliza y una pila de máquina. El conjunto de los registros y de la pila de cada thread se denomina contexto. Como sabemos, en un Sistema Operativo multitarea, la CPU se reparte entre cada programa a ejecutar. Para ser más precisos, el S.O. reparte la CPU entre todos los threads a ejecutar en cada momento (pues un programa puede contener varios threads), simplemente adueñandose de esta y saltando al siguiente. Sin embargo, esta conmutación no se puede hacer de cualquier manera. Cada vez que el S.O. se adueña de la CPU para cedersela a otro thread, los registros y la pila (o sea, el contexto del hilo) contienen unos valores determinados. Por eso, el S.O. guarda todos esos datos en cada cambio, de modo que al volver a conmutar al thread inicial, pueda restaurar el contexto inicial. No olvidemos que OS/2 es un S.O. con multitarea preemptiva, lo que significa que la CPU puede ser arrebatada en cualquier momento. Esto significa que un thread no puede saber cuando se le va a arrebatar la CPU, por lo que no puede guardar los registros ni la pila de forma 'voluntaria'.
Dado que la forma en que un programa funciona depende principalmente del contexto, dos threads distintos pueden compartir el código de ejecución. Esto significa que si queremos dos threads que hagan las mismas operaciones sobre dos grupos de datos distintos, no necesitamos duplicar el código en memoria. Dado que conmutamos el contexto cada vez, aunque el código sea el mismo, los resultados no lo son, pues los registros y la pila son diferentes. Sin embargo, esto tiene un pequeño problema: las zonas de datos son comunes para todos los threads de un mismo proceso (esto ocurre en cualquier S.O., no solo en OS/2). Eso implica que, en estos casos, es necesario que cada thread cree su propia zona de datos, esto es, usar memoria de asignación dinámica (en C se usa MALLOC para crear una zona de memoria dinámica, si bien OS/2 también ofrece servicios de este tipo más potentes).
Por otro lado, debemos recordar que cada thread se ejecuta de forma absolutamente independiente. De hecho, cada uno trabaja como si tuviese un microprocesador para el solo. Esto significa que si tenemos una zona de datos compartida entre varios threads de modo que puedan intercambiar información entre ellos, es necesario usar algún sistema de sincronización para evitar que uno de ellos acceda a un grupo de datos que pueden estar a medio actualizar por otro thread. Estos servicios se verán más adelante.
Un thread puede crear otro thread usando una llamada de OS/2. Dado que no existe relación del tipo padre-hijo entre threads, los nuevos alcanzan los mismos privilegios que sus hermanos.


Por último, un thread acaba cuando vuelve al repartidor de threads. Trabajando en código máquina, esto implica un FAR RET; trabajando en C, significa ejecutar una instrucción EXIT o bien llegar al fin del procedimiento MAIN. Cuando acaban todos los threads de un proceso, OS/2 lo mata, liberando la memoria que ocupaba y los distintos recursos, como ficheros de disco, etc. Existe otra forma de terminar un programa en OS/2, es mediante una llamada a DosExit. Esta llamada finaliza el thread actual.


Un thread tiene control sobre otros threads, siempre que pertenezcan al mismo PROCESO, pudiendo terminarlos si es preciso. También puede sincronizarse con ellos si es preciso, esperando a que alguno en concreto termine su ejecucion, o bien dormirlo hasta que le interese ponerlo en ejecución de nuevo.

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012


3 Installing and Running the RF5 Base Application
This section describes how to build and run Reference Framework Level 5 (RF5) as it is. Later sections describe how the application works and how it can be adapted.

3.1 Preparing the Hardware
The following steps provide an overview of how to connect hardware to your host PC in order to run the default RF5 application. Although the default application uses audio inputs and outputs, RF5 is well suited for use with video or other types of signals.

For details and diagrams about board-specific steps, see the documentation provided with your board. For additional board-specific information, see the readme.txt file in the RF_DIR\src\driver folder for your board (for example, RF_DIR\src\teb6416pcm3002).

NOTE: The top-level folder of the Reference Frameworks distribution is called "referenceframeworks". The full path to this folder is called RF_DIR in this application note.

1. Shut down and power off your PC.
2. Connect the appropriate data connection cable to the board.
3. Connect the other end of the data connection cable to the appropriate port on your PC.
4. Connect an audio input device such as a microphone or the headphone output of a CD player to the audio input jack (or jacks) on the board. You can also connect the audio output of your PC sound card to the audio input of the board.
5. Connect a speaker (or speakers) or other audio output device(s) to the audio output port(s) of the board.
6. Plug the power cable into the board.
7. Plug the other end of the power cable into a power outlet.
8. Start the PC.

3.2 Preparing the Software
The following list outlines the software installation and setup steps required to run RF5. For details, see the appropriate Quick Start Guides, online help, or the readme.txt file.

1. If you have not already done so, install CCStudio 2.2 or a later version. It is recommended that you have the latest version of the CCStudio software, as it may contain important features or problem fixes.

2. Check the configuration of your parallel printer (LPT) port. Make sure the parallel port is in ECP or EPP mode and note the first address of the port. This is normally 0x378. For details on checking the parallel port configuration, see the Quick Start Guide provided with your board. If you are using an emulator such as TI XDS560, connect the cable to
the 14-pin JTAG header on your board and follow the instructions the emulator vendor has provided.

3. Use the Setup Code Composer Studio application to configure the software for your board. For details, see the documentation provided with your board.

4. Download the Reference Frameworks code distribution file from the Reference Frameworks area of the DSPvillage website ( Place this file in any location, and unzip the file. The c:\ti\myprojects folder is a suggested location for these files.

Make sure to use directory names when you unzip the file. You may need to enable an option called something similar to "Use folder names" in your zip utility.

Do not extract the zip file into a directory with a path that contains spaces such as c:\Program Files. Spaces in directory paths are not currently supported by the TI Code Generation Tools.

3.3 Building and Running the RF5 Application
The targets supported for RF5 as of the publication date are listed in Appendix E: Reference Framework Board Ports, page 83. Additional boards may be added in the future. If you want to run RF5 on a different target, you need to port hardware-dependent parts of the application.

After installing the package, you are ready to build and run the RF5 application.
1. Verify that CCStudio is using the correct startup GEL file for your board. For example, for a 'C6416 TEB board, the startup GEL file should be c:\ti\cc\gel\TEB6416.gel.

2. Within CCStudio, choose ProjectOpen and select the app.pjt project in RF_DIR\apps\rf5\projects\target, where target matches your board. (For example, RF_DIR\apps\rf5\projects\teb6416.)

3. Choose ProjectBuild to build the RF5 application. Alternatively, you can choose to just load the pre-built application located in RF_DIR\apps\rf5\projects\teb6416\Debug folder.

NOTE: If you have recently upgraded to a newer version of CCStudio, you are encouraged to run the RF_DIR\build.bat from an MS-DOS window command line. This simple batch file rebuilds all RF projects. It ensures that all modules are in sync with the latest TI Code Generation Tools. Note that you must first run c:\ti\dosrun.bat so that the paths in the build.bat file are recognized.

4. Choose FileLoad Program and load the app.out file in the Debug folder.

5. Start your CD player or other audio input.

6. Choose DebugRun (or F5). You should hear the FIR filtered audio output through the speakers connected to the target board.

NOTE: The 'C64x device on the 'C6416 TEB board does not support RTDX, which is used for real-time target to host data transfer. As a result, instrumentation data provided by DSP/BIOS is available in stop-mode only. That is, they can be seen in Code Composer Studio only if the program halts or reaches a break point.

7. Choose FileLoad GEL and select the appControl.gel file from the project folder (above the Debug folder).

NOTE: The appControl.gel file is a GEL script file that displays sliders to control algorithm parameters. When you move these controls, the script writes values to program variables on the target.

8. Choose GELProcess ControlVolume. A slider appears with values ranging from 0 to 200. The default value is 100. Sliding this controls the output volume on a stereo codec.

NOTE: On the 'C6416 TEB, the output is stereo even if the GEL control is modified to allow the volume balance to be set to the extreme left or right (effectively mono output) and the codec is configured for internal loop-back (that is, data does not go to the MCBSP). This observation was made on two separate 'C6416 TEB boards, making it unlikely that
the only some boards show this problem. No workaround has been found for this problem; this is probably a limitation arising from boardspecific hardware circuitry.

9. Choose GELProcess ControlFilter1 (or Filter2). A slider appears with values ranging from 0 to 2. The default value is 1. Sliding this controls the FIR filter coefficients.

4 RF5 Overview
This section provides overviews of several aspects of RF5. Included are an overview of the application requirements, application building blocks, the folder hierarchy, the module hierarchy, and the application parameters and function call hierarchy.

4.1 Application Behavior
The application specifications for the base RF5 application are as follows. Although the default application uses audio inputs and outputs, RF5 is well suited for use with video or other types of signals. Application notes that describe how RF5 can be adapted to other application domains are listed in Section 13, References, page 71.

The application takes the incoming stereo audio signal and converts it to digital data at a given sampling rate. One sampling of the signal gives a block of two signed 16-bit integers, one for the left and one for the right channel. The application groups these blocks into frames of given size before processing them.

For processing, the application splits each incoming interleaved stereo frame into two singlechannel frames. One frame contains only left-channel samples; the other contains only rightchannel samples. The application processes these frames separately. To process one channel frame, the application applies a FIR filter and a volume control algorithm to it. Filter coefficients (low-pass, high-pass, or passthrough) and amplification/attenuation values may be controlled by
the user via GEL, CCStudio's scripting language for accessing target memory, with a simulated slider that writes values to designated variables that the target reads periodically.

After it processes each channel, the application joins the independent channel frames back into one interleaved stereo frame. This frame is then sent to the output where the codec converts it into analog stereo signal.

Figure 3. Application Processing Flow

The number of channels in the application is a modifiable constant, which allows the application to be easily scaled to a large number of channels. The number of channels in the codec (1=mono, 2=stereo) is also a modifiable constant.

The supplied FIR XDAIS algorithm is used for filtering and the supplied VOL XDAIS algorithm is used for volume control.

4.2 Application Building Blocks and Structure
Let us look briefly at what data processing elements and what data communication elements we have in RF5, and how we pass control messages. Then we will see how they all fit together in the RF5 data path.

4.2.1 Data Processing Elements in RF5
The four basic data processing elements in RF5 are tasks, channels, cells, and XDAIS algorithms.

Figure 4. Processing Elements in RF5

At the top level is a DSP/BIOS task. A task is a collection of channels, a channel is a collection of cells, and a cell is a wrapper for a XDAIS algorithm. Each of these elements can have multiple instances. For example, there are two instances of the filtering algorithm we use, one for each channel. They use different filtering parameters and remember different history. The data describing each instance object is different, but both instances share the code that operates on the data. The same is true for cells and channels (but rarely tasks). Typically, when we talk about an element, we actually refer to an instance of that element.

A XDAIS algorithm is an off-the shelf, reusable data processing component, that implements a certain interface (IALG). Typically it implements, via the interface, a fairly complex function, for example JPEG encoding or audio enhancement; but it can be as simple as audio signal amplification, which is the VOL algorithm that comes with RF5. XDAIS algorithms in your application can be purchased from a third party, or you can incorporate your own custom ones.

A cell is a wrapper around a XDAIS algorithm. XDAIS algorithms have standardized resource management functions (for requesting memory and DMA). However, the actual data processing function, which lies at the heart of the algorithm, has no standard naming convention. The processing functions can vary not only in function signatures (some take two or more buffers, etc.), but often also in their number. The purpose of a cell is to provide a standard interface
between the algorithm and the outside world, by defining only one processing function. Each cell implements a simple ICELL interface, which defines up to four functions for a cell: open, execute, close, and control. All functions other than execute are optional.

Most cell wrappers are simple, though they can perform whatever operations are necessary in addition to what the algorithm does. The application integrator writes the cell code, (or modifies code of existing cells for their algorithms). In the future, some XDAIS algorithms vendors may supply cell wrappers as well. It is also possible to create a cell that does not contain a XDAIS algorithm.

A channel is a collection of cells, and its purpose is to execute its cells in series. Channels always perform a fixed operation—executing cells serially—so they do not need any additional code to be written. Typically several channels contain sets of cell instances that perform identical functions, possibly with different parameters.

Finally, a task is collection of channels, which executes them in series. The purpose of the task is to organize data communication at a higher level, that is by talking to device drivers, other tasks, and similar constructs. Unlike channels, tasks do have task-specific code, which the user writes. This code is usually just sending and receiving data to and from the outside world, and executing channels. A task has freedom to execute channels in whatever way it desires, which may be dictated by data flow and control information. A task can also have no channels at all.

One important feature of tasks is that they can occasionally send control messages to one another (in addition to streaming data they regularly send). For that reason, each task that runs get-data/execute-channels/send-data iterations, checks for the presence of control messages at the beginning of each iteration. If there are any, the task applies them to perhaps change its control logic, or to control the cells contained in its channels.

The term task refers to an actual DSP/BIOS object, and the term thread refers to user code that the task executes and pertinent data. We use terms task and thread interchangeably, since the supplied RF5 application uses tasks but not software interrupts (SWIs). It also uses hardware interrupts (HWIs) for high-priority event processing triggered by peripherals.

4.2.2 Data Communication Elements in RF5
We divide the elements for passing data between processing elements into task-level data communication elements and cell-level data communication elements. Rather than just using global variables to inform processing elements where the data is, we introduce structured objects for passing that information.

For task-level communication, which uses semaphore-based synchronization, we have SIO objects and SCOM messages.

SIO objects interface with device drivers and tasks. These are standard DSP/BIOS objects, and are typically double-buffered:

Figure 5. Communication Between a Task and a Device Driver via an SIO Object

Typically the task allocates two buffers for the data, and passes empty buffers to the input device driver and collects buffers full of data from it (and the other way round for output).
Note that in some applications, a task may talk to a device driver without using SIO objects; instead it uses whatever format the driver prescribes.

SCOM messages are user-defined, structured data objects that tasks exchange among themselves. SCOM stands for Synchronized Communication. Tasks allocate buffers that they want some other task to write data to or read data from. They need to communicate to the other task where the buffer is, but also to synchronize with it to prevent simultaneous access. To do that, they use SCOM messages as buffer descriptors, which tasks pass among themselves. In that sense, an SCOM message is like a token for a buffer it describes: the task that holds the message—the token—can read from the buffer or write to it exclusively. When finished, the writer passes the message along to the reader task and vice versa.
Figure 6. Communication Between Two Tasks via SCOM Messages

Each task creates its own receiving SCOM queue (or more than one if necessary), and puts SCOM messages to other tasks' receiving queues. A task only needs to know the name (a character string) of a queue it wants to put messages on. More than one task can send SCOM messages to the same queue.

For cell-level communication, we have inter-cell communication (ICC) objects and lists of those objects. The purpose of an ICC object is to describe the buffer from which a cell reads the data, or to which the cell writes the data. Each cell has one input list and one output list of those objects. Two cells in effect communicate by having the same ICC object in their lists: the cell that writes to a buffer described by an ICC object has the object in its output list, and the cell that
reads the buffer has the object in its input list.

This allows for an arbitrary, and flexible, topology between cells in a channel. In fact, cells within different channels (but still in the same task) can communicate this way. More importantly, a task that receives data from another task can pass the data to its cells using ICCs, "unwrapping" the data first if necessary.

We see this in Figure 7, which shows a task's channel with three cells and various input/output and intermediate buffers:
Figure 7. Communication Between Cells via ICC Objects

Cell 1 reads its data from the task (the tasks writes into the buffer described by Cell 1's input ICC object), Cell 1 stores its output in two buffers, one read by cell 2 and one read by cell 3. Cell 3 also reads cell 2's output, and cell 3's output is finally read by the task.

ICC objects come in different, and user-definable, flavors. The simplest ICC is the one that describes a plain buffer, in terms of its address and size. This is called a linear ICC buffer. For example, in Figure 7, cell 1's input ICC would likely point to the same buffer the tasks uses for receiving data via SIO or SCOM.

The user is free to define their own ICC types, which can have pre-processing or postprocessing operations the cell can call before or after accessing data described by the buffer.

4.2.3 Application Control in RF5
We have noted earlier that tasks can pass control messages among themselves. In baseline RF5, there is only one task that passes messages around, the control task, and only to one other task, the task that contains the FIR+VOL processing channels.

As the specifications require, the user can control the application via a GEL script that has one slider for each channel to control filter coefficients (selection among low-pass, high-pass, and passthrough filter), and one slider for volume control. For simplicity one slider controls both channels, although since the channels operate independently, the GEL script could have one slider for each channel's volume.

The GEL script follows user's actions and writes new filter/volume values in a global variable on the target. The control task periodically reads this variable, and when it detects a change, it sends a control message to the processing task. Tasks use the DSP/BIOS MBX (mailbox) module for control messages. The MBX module, unlike SCOM, makes a copy of the sender's message before placing it on the mailbox queue, and it makes a copy of the message in queue when delivering it to the recipient. For that reason it is more convenient for small asynchronous messages—as is the case with control messages. Each control message is a simple set of three 32-bit values: command, first command argument, second command argument.

In RF5, the MBX object is created dynamically in the thrProcessInit() function because the call to MBX_create can obtain and use the message size and mailbox length when creating the object.

Figure 8 shows a task that has both one SCOM queue for receiving data messages and one dynamically-created MBX object for receiving control messages. Unlike SCOM queues, a task should only have one mailbox.
Figure 8. Example of Task Receiving Both SCOM Messages and Control Messages

4.2.4 RF5 Data Path
Figure 9 shows the specific instances of various processing and communication components, connected together to form the application that is RF5. Figure 14 provides a somewhat simplified picture of the data path.

Figure 9. Complete RF5 Data Path

All the components of the data path are explained in separate sections, but here is a brief overview of the processing dynamics:

The data path begins with the device driver streaming the data into the RxSplit thread's double buffer bufRx. The low-level IOM mini-driver, programs the serial port and the DMA (or EDMA on platforms that have it) to transfer and group the incoming samples into frames. The RxSplit thread does not communicate with the driver directly; instead, RxSplit owns the inStream SIO object, which interfaces to a mini-driver via another small module, DIO. Through SIO, RxSplit
tells the driver where it wants the data (in one or the other half of its private buffer bufRx), and when it wants it. Because of double buffering, the mini-driver can keep pumping the data into one half of bufRx at the same time when RxSplit works to process the other half to prepare data for the Process thread.

When it receives input frames via SIO, RxSplit then collects the scomMsgRx SCOM message from its scomRxSplit queue, block-waiting if the message is not there. The message describes two buffers owned by the processing task. To those buffers RxSplit writes separated channel data. Afterwards, it puts the scomMsgRx message back on the Process thread's receiving SCOM queue.

When the Process thread collects scomMsgRx message, that message is a signal to the Process thread that the new input frame has been separated into channels and stored into Process' private buffers bufInput[ NUMCHANNELS ]. These two buffers are connected to FIR cells' input ICC objects, so the thread executes its NUMCHANNELS (2) channels. In each channel, its FIR cell reads from its respective bufInput buffer, processes the data, and stores it in
the bufIntermediate buffer. The VOL cell reads from that buffer and stores its result in the bufOutput part of the buffer for that channel. Thanks to ICCs, however, the cells do not need to know actual buffer names, so they can function in any channel and task.

The architecture of RF5 is such that it is easy to change the number of channels. For each channel, you can specify the cells it contains, and thus the XDAIS algorithms it executes.

When adapting RF5 for other applications, a common adaptation is to modify or replace the tskRxSplit and tskTxJoin tasks, since they may not even be required. Another common modification is to adapt the use of the control thread to the needs of the application.

4.3 Folder Hierarchy
The Reference Framework folder tree contains application sources and library modules. All the code that different RF5-based applications could possibly share has been pushed into libraries, for reusability (although you can find source code for these libraries in the RF5 tree, too). Application specific files, such as task code and cell wrappers, are in the \apps sub-tree.

You can begin to explore RF5 by examining the folder tree that contains the application and associated files. We recommend that you retain the provided structure for your development.

Figure 10 shows the folders used by RF5 and highlights some important files they contain.

Figure 10. RF5 Folder Structure

Folders to notice include:
apps\rf5. The root folder for the RF5 application. To modify RF5, make a copy of the rf5\tree at the same folder level, and modify the copy.
appConfig. Contains DSP/BIOS TextConf scripts that are generic to all platforms.
These scripts are imported by the board-specific appcfg.tcf file.
cells. - Contains application-side cell implementation code. Here the system integrator
adds simple "glue code" to match up the XDAIS algorithm interface(s) to the framework APIs. This provides a consistent execution interface and makes it easier to group algorithms into channels. There is one folder for each algorithm or algorithm encode/decode pair. For example, you might create a cells\mp3 folder to house cellMp3.h, cellMp3encode.c, and cellMp3decode.c.

projects. Contains hardware-specific files for the RF5 application. This includes boardspecific
configuration files, project, GEL, and linker files. These files are placed in
platform-named folders so that RF5 can be provided for multiple platforms. Targets
supported as of the publication date are listed in Appendix E: Reference Framework
Board Ports, page 83.
threads. Contains hardware-independent source files for the threads (tasks).

include. Contains a number of public header files used by Reference Frameworks. RF5 uses some, but not all, of these header files.

Public header files are referenced by both algorithm and framework code. In contrast,
private header files are stored with the source code that includes them and are not intended for use by other modules. Each library module has one header file in this folder.
lib. Contains a number of library files linked in with Reference Framework applications. RF5 uses some, but not all, of these libraries. Each library module has one library per DSP family in this folder. In addition, libraries are built for each target flavor. For example, RF modules are provided for both 55x small data model (.l55) and large model (.l55l).
src. Contains folders with source files for modules in the include and lib folders. The
readme.txt files in each of these folders provide information about the modules and their use. Library modules typically need little or no modification.

4.4 Module Hierarchy
RF5 uses several collections of modules. Figure 11 shows the high-level framework architecture.
Figure 11. Topology of Modules in RF5
Table 3 describes the components of this architecture diagram. API function descriptions are provided in the Reference Frameworks for eXpressDSP Software: API Reference (SPRA147) application note.

Table 3. Architecture Components
Component /  Description / Adaptation Required
Application Framework / Reference Frameworks can be adapted for use in many applications, including telecommunication, audio, video, and more. Such changes are not detailed in this application note /  Modification likely

Threads / Threads perform processing. Threads are specified via the DSP/BIOS configuration and through the code run as the function for each thread Threads are generally hardware-independent./ Yes, to customize for your application.

Cell wrappers / Application-side cell implementation code. Contains simple "glue code" to match the XDAIS algorithm interface to the framework APIs./ Typically minimal, to switch algorithms

XDAIS algorithms - TI’s eXpressDSP-compliant implementation of the simple algorithms used by default. Algorithms may be written by you or provided by a vendor – No

ALGRF / Functions such as ALGRF_create() for creating IALG-based instances of  XDAIS algorithms. Uses DSP/BIOS MEM module for dynamic memory allocation. The functions are similar to the functions in the CCStudio's ALG module. / No, but source code is provided.

CHAN / Manages the serial execution of XDAIS algorithms contained in cells. - No, but source code is provided

SCOM - Implements synchronized message passing among tasks. In RF5, tasks use it to give and take ownership of buffers so they can write to buffers or read from them exclusively. - No, but source code is provided.

ICELL - Interface specification for encapsulating XDAIS algorithm instances in cells.- Interface must be implemented for each algorithm used.

ICC - Provides an Inter-Cell Communication mechanism to move input and output data from a cell. Describes how data flows in and out of a cell. - No, but source code is provided

SSCR - Manages the overlaying of on-chip scratch data memory requested by XDAIS algorithms - No, but source code is provided

UTL - Provided to support debugging and diagnostics. - No, but source code is provided

DIO - Stream device adapter. The upper layer of the device driver. Provides an interface between an IOM mini-driver and an SIO data stream object. Executes DSP/BIOS calls to manage buffer transfers. This layer is hardware-agnostic. Described in SPRU616. – No

IOM mini-driver - Simple, low-level device driver interface between application threads and  hardware devices. For example, "teb6416pcm3002". Defines a set of device-agnostic APIs to interface with. Described in SPRU616. - Yes, to port controller to your hardware.

DSP/BIOS - The set of modules provided as a scalable real-time kernel. This includes modules for scheduling, memory management, instrumentation, and I/O. – No

CSL - Chip Support Library. Simplifies the job of developing device drivers and interacting with peripherals. – No

Hardware / The target board, including codecs and other peripherals ----

4.4.1 Rebuilding and Debugging Libraries
Source code is provided for the additional libraries used by RF5 not only so you can modify and recompile the libraries, but for debugging purposes as well. If you halt execution while within code in a library module, CCStudio asks if you want to locate and open the appropriate source file for the module. This allows you to step into module procedures and inspect internal and external variables, even if you do not intend to modify the code.

Hint: In CCStudio, using OptionsCustomizeDirectories menu option, you can specify which folders CCStudio should search to locate the source file. If you specify source code folders for the modules used in RF5, CCStudio opens windows with their source code automatically as you step into a library module procedure.

A readme.txt file is provided in each library source folder. These readme.txt files list the module files, tell which frameworks use the module, and answer questions about the module.

Libraries are built with debugging enabled (-g) and no optimization. For performance reasons you may wish to rebuild the libraries using optimization switches for post-development versions of your applications.

If you rebuild a library and then rebuild the Reference Framework application, either delete the executable file (app.out) or use ProjectRebuild All in order to build with the new library. CCStudio does not currently check for dependencies on rebuilt libraries.

The Reference Frameworks distribution does not include source code for IOM device driver modules. Such files can be obtained as part of the DSP/BIOS Driver Developer's Kit (DDK). You do not need the DDK in order to run the Reference Frameworks—the driver library and public header files are included in the Reference Frameworks distribution. For details about the DDK and mini-driver development and use, see the DSP/BIOS Driver Developer's Guide (SPRU616).

4.5 Application Parameters and Function Calls Hierarchy
When you start exploring RF5, you will best understand its flow if you look at the hierarchy of function calls in it. You can easily identify where a function or a data structure is defined by lookingat its name. If a name begins with MOD_, it is a library module defined in module mod—meaning that its public interface is in include\mod.h directory, and its source is in src\mod. If a global name does not have the prefix with the underscore, it means it's an application module,
and its file of origination is still determined by the first part of the name. (For example, the thrProcessRun() function is declared in the thrProcess.h file and defined in the thrProcess.c file.)

Global symbols use a simplified Hungarian notation (for example, the Process thread's state variable, tskProcess, is an object of type "task," which uses the TSK module), and local names usually follow less strict naming convention.

Before we examine the function call hierarchy, let us first look at two important parameters you will see throughout the code:

4.5.1 Number of Channels and Data Frame Sizes
The number of channels in the RF5 application is specified in appResources.h:

For some applications, different threads may have different number of channels, so their number of channels would be defined in their header files.

In appIO.h, the following constant identifies the number of channels in the codec:
/* The 6416TEB has a stereo codec */

A constant in appResources.h specifies the size of data buffers used in the application. The size of a per-channel data buffer—that is, the size after the signal has been split—is defined as:
#define FRAMELEN 80
typedef Short Sample; // signed 16-bit integer
The size in bytes of the frame for one channel is expressed with the formula:
FRAMELEN * sizeof( Sample )

Similarly, the size in bytes for all the channels is expressed as:

The heartbeat of the system comes from the codec and the CSL modules used by the controller (EDMA and MCBSP for the 'C6416). Because the controller uses EDMA, the CPU does little work to receive and transmit the frames. Therefore, the larger the frame size, the less time the CPU spends on I/O, and the more time remains for processing. Larger buffer sizes, however, result in larger latencies, and consume more memory, so a compromise must be found.

For example, the 'C6416 TEB, has a stereo codec (PCM3002) with a sampling frequency of 48 kHz. Each sample is 16 bits. The calculation for how often data is processed is as follows:
1 second / frequency (Hz) * FRAMELEN =
1/48000 * 80 =
0.00166 s = 1.66 ms per frame

You can measure the period it takes to process one frame by looking at stsTime0 statistic (STS) BIOS object, if you choose the units for stsTime0 to be in milliseconds or microseconds.
The Process thread uses the stsTime0 object and the UTL module to measure elapsed time between two iterations.

4.5.2 Function Call Hierarchy
The following diagram shows the hierarchy of the important function calls in RF5 (on the 'C6416 TEB as an example, and without instrumentation calls and most of the standard DSP/BIOS functions, for simplicity.)

5 Application Configuration and Startup
Like other conventional real-time operating systems, DSP/BIOS enables an application to dynamically create objects, such as tasks and semaphores, at any time during program execution. However, in reality, many real-time applications simply create all the necessary objects at the start of the application. This wastes program memory since the code for creating objects must be present in target memory even though it is only used once.

Instead of using APIs for dynamic creation, DSP/BIOS enables developers to statically generate a configuration tailored to the needs of the application. This significantly reduces the target memory footprint by eliminating the need to code the creation logic.

Typically, a module, consisting of a header file and a library file, implements a class of objects and lets the user create as many instances of it as needed. The concept is similar to the class concept in object-oriented programming, but the API is C-based (and the underlying implementation is often in assembly, for performance). For instance, one module implements a task, and with its code the user can create as many task instances as needed.

Information about the DSP processor and DSP/BIOS objects are stored in a configuration database (.cdb).

Traditionally, DSP/BIOS used a Configuration Tool with a graphical interface for the creation and configuration of static objects. This tool is still available as part of CCStudio 2.2, and users who may want to continue using it in their workflow can ignore the remaining contents of this section. For those who are interested in a more flexible, script-based configuration tool, DSP/BIOS TextConf (tconf) now offers an alternative for configuring your application at design-time. The main benefits of using TextConf in the Reference Frameworks are as follows:

Easily port frameworks to new target boards and platforms. The configuration scripts clearly separate application-specific settings from target-specific settings. This makes it easy to port applications to new target boards and platforms. Only those settings made for target-specific reasons require modification when porting to a new board.
Eliminate potential update issues. The configuration database (CDB) file used with the graphical configuration tool must be updated with every new version of CCStudio. In some cases, this conversion can be problematic. Textual configuration uses scripts as source files, and eliminates this conversion altogether. These scripts are much smaller and easier to maintain than their CDB counterparts.

Configuration scripts are written in JavaScript, a powerful scripting language that has a C-like syntax, which helps to reduce the learning curve for a typical C programmer.