viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2011

CHAPTER 5 The Road Map


The Road Map

The major aim of this book has been to provide general guidelines toward the development of real-time image/video processing systems. Such guidelines have not previously appeared in one place as discussed here. In Chapter 2, several key strategies for designing simplified algorithms for real-time use were presented. In Chapter 3, an overview of currently available hardware implementation platforms including digital signal processors (DSPs), field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), general-purpose processors (GPPs), and graphics processing units (GPUs) was given.

Finally, in Chapter 4, major software methods for obtaining real-time performance were covered.

In all these chapters, representative examples from the recent literature were carefully selected and presented to provide relevant real-world problems to illustrate the key concepts one needs to be aware of when transitioning to a real-time implementation. After having covered the algorithmic, hardware, and software aspects, a recommended road map is mentioned in this final chapter.


The following steps are considered to constitute the road map when taking an image/video processing algorithm to a real-time environment running on a hardware platform:

Step 1: Understand the algorithm

It is imperative that a deep understanding of the algorithm is first obtained beyond the high-level knowledge that is often adequate in a research environment. In this initial step, any algorithmic simplifications such as those covered in Chapter 2 should be carefully considered. This understanding also determines what hardware platform is most suitable for its real-time deployment.

Step 2: Port the algorithm to a reference C/C++ implementation

After having verified the algorithm in the research environment, it is often necessary to create a reference C implementation, not specialized to any particular hardware. This step is needed for debugging the transition from MATLAB or LabVIEW to C and for providing a platform-independent version of the algorithm, which could be ported

over to different hardware platforms. The output of the ported algorithm should be verified using the initial version.

Step 3: Understand the hardware

In addition to having a deep understanding of the algorithm, it is important to have a deep understanding of the underlying hardware architecture in order to maximize the available computational resources of the architecture involved. It is also useful to become acquainted with any compiler intrinsic instructions as well as any optimized

image processing libraries during this step.

Step 4: Port the reference algorithm to the target hardware

This step involves porting the reference algorithm over to the target hardware platform.

Step 5: Profile and identify the bottlenecks

After having ported the reference algorithm to the target hardware, next step is to profile the algorithm to identify where the bottlenecks lie. One should also make use of the integrated development environment (IDE) of the target hardware during this step.

Step 6: Apply memory and high-level software optimizations

Once the time critical portions of the code are identified, next step includes memory optimizations and high-level software optimizations. Each modification of the code should be followed by a verification procedure to make sure that the outcome is as expected.

Step 7: Apply low-level software optimizations if necessary

After exhausting all high-level software optimizations, if the performance is still lacking, then one should resort to low-level software optimizations such as writing a handscheduled software pipeline assembly.

Step 8: Testing

Having achieved the desired performance, rigorous testing should be performed on the system to guarantee a smooth operation under worst-case conditions. The system should be put through a stress test to reveal any weak points to be patched up.


In this chapter, a recommended road map for the journey from research to reality was given.

Although this book has presented many guidelines to assist in this journey, ultimately it is up to the system designer to select an appropriate collection of the presented guidelines in a particular real-time image/video processing application of interest.


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About the Authors

NasserKehtarnavaz is a Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University ofTexas at Dallas. He haswritten four other books and numerous papers pertaining to signal and image processing, and regularly teaches undergraduate and graduate signal and image processing courses. Among his many professional activities, he is currently serving as Coeditor-in-Chief of Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, and Chair of the Dallas Chapter of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. Dr. Kehtarnavaz is a Fellow of SPIE, a Senior Member of IEEE, and a Professional Engineer.

Mark Gamadia is currently a Ph.D. Candidate and an Erik Jonsson Research Assistant Fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas at Dallas. He has written several papers involving the development and real-time implementation of image processing algorithms. Mr. Gamadia is a Student Me